Grunge metal texture with scratches, rust effects and a distressed old look. Download the old scratched brushed metal texture for free and use it in your projects.
Some of our best metal texture images were featured in this collection of Metal Textures.
You can use metal textures to create Chrome Effect Photoshop text and logos.
If you are looking for more Metal Style Photoshop text effects, check out this collection.
submitted by:John
Grunge scratched metal texture with stains and a dirty effect, that you can download for free. This is a stainless steel texture with scratches and stains. The old metal texture can be used in personal and commercial projects.
We have lots of metallic textures in our gallery so make sure you see all the textures that we have. You can also download high quality seamless metal textures for your projects.
This metal texture can even be used as a scratches overlay for your images.
Use it as Photoshop overlay and try the blend modes to see what is the best effect for your images. You can use a Levels adjustment to obtain a better contrast.
So, if you are looking for a grunge metal texture, you can download this stainless steel texture for free.
submitted by:John
Download for free this seamless grunge metal panel with yellow stripes. You can use the seamless yellow stripes texture in personal and commercial projects with attribution.
Create metallic industrial panels for sci-fi theme projects.
You can also make a grunge industrial background using this yellow stripes hazard pattern.
For more metallic textures and images see below or check out this awsome collection of free metal texture seamless images
submitted by:admin
Grunge corrugated metal sheet texture that you can download for free. Create a metal wall or a metal panel for sci-fi projects with this grunge distressed metallic surface. Galvanized metal iron texture free to use in Photoshop or in any other 2D and 3D project.
You can create a metallic wall, a metal door, you can texturize a room with this galvanized iron texture.
submitted by:admin
Grunge reeled and rusted metal texture that you can download for free. If you are looking for old rusted metallic surface textures this rusty metal is just what you need. The free rust texture for Photoshop can be used to create rusty text effects, vintage photo effects, old metal signs and so on.
Creating a realistic rust surface from scratch in Photoshop is no that easy so using a realistic rust texture is always the best choice.
submitted by:admin
High resolution grunge metal texture with rust and scratches. Download for free this high-res painted metal old texture. You can use this grunge rusted metallic surface to add texture to 3D game objects.
You can also use this rusty texture in Photoshop to create text effects.
Looks also great as background for your graphic design projects. High resolution images at 300 dpi can also be used for print materials.
submitted by:admin
Download for free this rusty metal texture with grunge distressed look. The corroded rusty metal texture has beautiful rust color tones and also some traces of old paint. This old weathered metal surface can be used in Photoshop to create different effects including face effects.
A Photoshop portrait effect that can be created using this rusty metal texture is grunge cracked face effect.
submitted by:admin
Old rusty painted metal texture that you can download for free. This high-resolution grunge metal texture has rust, cracks, peeled paint and an overall old distressed look. Download the rusty metallic surface painted with green color.
The old paint of this surface has peeled off leaving cracks and dripping rust.
submitted by:admin
This is free rust texture that you can use to create a realistic rusty metallic door with a distressed look. This is a damaged rust metal surface with peeled and corroded white paint texture. The rust surface is under a layer of old peeled paint.
submitted by:admin
High resolution old metal texture that you can download for free. This is a distressed grungy metal texture with scratches and an old look. Grunge metal decay textures are really useful resources for graphic designers.
If you want to create a metal text in Photoshop, use this scratched metallic surface as clipping mask for your text layer. Add a Bevel and Emboss layer style and you have a brushed metal text effect in just a few seconds.
Some of our best metal texture images were featured in this collection of Metal Textures.
You can use metal textures to create Chrome Effect Photoshop text and logos.
If you are looking for more Metal Style Photoshop text effects, check out this collection.
submitted by:admin
Grunge distressed dirty texture that you can use for free. You can create weathered old look effect with this free grunge texture overlay for Photoshop. You can create old photo effect, scratched grunge metal effect, dirty old look for your photos, etc.
You can also check out this grunge texture pack from PhotoshopSupply.
submitted by:admin
Bronze metal sheet texture with an old distressed grunge look that you can use for free. This is a metal bronze texture with scratches and dirty effect. You can use the free bronze texture to create different metal text effects in Photoshop.
submitted by:admin
Grunge industrial room with walls made with shipping container texture. You can download this sci-fi metal room image for free. If you need the inside of a square metal box, you can use this image.
This free stock image can be used in Photoshop in photo manipulations with different themes like; industrial, urban, sci-fi, horror, steampunk, etc.
This room looks like the interior of a shipping container with metal panel walls. It has a grunge rough unfinished metallic look with rust stains.
submitted by:admin
Grunge old copper sheet texture that you can use for free. Download the metal copper texture and use it to texturize different objects or to create copper text effects in Photoshop for example.
If you're looking for more free copper textures check out bellow or visit this awesome collection of Free Copper Textures For Designers.
submitted by:admin
Scratched metal texture seamless that you can download for free. This is a metal texture with scratches and a grunge effect. This is a seamless metal texture and you can use it to create metal backgrounds with any size.
We have lots of other metal textures in our gallery; brushed metal, old metal, rusty metal, galvanized metal, stainless steel, iron and other textures.
So if you are looking for a metallic texture to use in your 2D or 3D project, make sure you browse our gallery.
Create awesome metal text effects in Photoshop using metal textures from our collection.
submitted by:admin
Seamless metal panel texture that you can download for free. This is a seamless tileable steel metallic texture with diagonal stripes. You can use this seamless steel stripes metal texture as Photoshop pattern.
Create metal panel backgrounds in Photoshop using this seamless metallic texture. You can create also metal text effects in just a few seconds using layer styles.
For more metallic textures and images see below or check out this awesome collection of free metal texture seamless images.
You can use metal textures to create Chrome Effect Photoshop text and logos.
If you are looking for more Metal Style Photoshop text effects, check out this collection.
submitted by:admin
High resolution white metal texture that you can download for free. This is an white painted metal texture with grunge distressed look. The metal surface has stains, scratches and an overall weathered old look.
Metal textures with rust and grungy effects, can be used in all kind of graphic design projects.
submitted by:admin
Metal door texture that you can use for free in your projects. The seamless metal texture can be used to create sci-fi panels, metal doors for video games, industrial backgrounds, etc. The sci fi pattern is seamless and tileable so you can use it to create any size images.
The metal panel is made from different metal types, rusted metal with peeled paint, perforated metal, etc. This container texture is great for adding texture to scifi projects like walls, doors, corridors, floors, ceilings, etc.
For more metallic textures and images see below or check out this awsome collection of free metal texture seamless images
submitted by:admin
Scratched metal texture for Photoshop that you can download for free and use in your projects. This is an old distressed metal sheet with scratches and stains. You can use this metallic texture in all kind of graphic design projects.
Add texture to 2D and 3D objects using this metal image. An interesting effect that you can do is engraved metal effect in Photoshop.
Also you can create metal text effects in Photoshop using any type of font.
Use a Clipping Mask to apply the texture to text, shapes, etc.
Our metal texture was featured in this Metal Textures collection. Use metal textures to create Chrome Effect Photoshop text and logos.
If you are looking for more Metal Style Photoshop text effects, check out this collection.
submitted by:admin
Scorched burnt metal texture that you can use for free. This is a cutout PNG metallic object with a corroded metal surface. The heavy damaged look is made by different chemicals, fire burn and rust.
You can download for free the grunge burnt metal texture for free and use it in all kind of projects like photo manipulations, video games, etc.
You can use only the burnt old metal texture and create different text effects in Photoshop for example. I hope you find it useful!
submitted by:admin
Seamless high-res rusty metal texture that you can download for free. If you are looking for a high resolution rusted texture for your projects you can use this image for free.
This tileable old rusted surface texture can be used in Photoshop, in 3D modeling, for game design, etc.
Old grunge rusty textures can also be used to create backgrounds. Add texture and grunge old effect to objects like shields for example.
submitted by:admin
Texture of peeling paint on a rusty metal surface that you can download for free. If you are looking for a grunge rusted metal texture you can use this free image. Add texture in Photoshop and create vintage old decay effects with this corroded metal image.
WE have lots of rust metal textures for Photoshop so make sure you check our gallery.
submitted by:admin
Seamless metal cargo box texture that you can download for free. If you are looking for metal grate or metal grid patterns, these free seamless textures are great!
You can use the metal grid pattern in video or mobile games. You can also use this seamless metallic grid texture in Photoshop to create a metal cargo box.
Or you can create a metal background with this cool metallic tile texture.
Metal grate textures are useful for all kind of projects. We have lots of free seamless metal textures so make sure you check our gallery for more freebies.
For more metal or metallic textures and images see below or check out this awsome collection of free metal texture seamless images
submitted by:admin
This is a iron metal frame background that you can use for free. The metallic border background is made from brushed scratched metal texture. This metal border with screws can be used in Photoshop for your projects.
Free metallic background made in Photoshop.
submitted by:admin